
We would like to welcome you to the new online CATS Tech Update Newsletter. If this is your first time visiting the blog, please continue reading to learn how to get started with this new online version.

Getting Started ---

CATS Tech Update Newsletter is here to provide you with current, up to date stories about using and implementing technology into the curriculum here at EIU. This new online version makes it easier to view and print your favorite stories directly from your computer, with some exciting new features.

New Features include:

Online format: Available on all your devices, including your computer, tablet, and smartphone.
Labels/Categories: The new labels include: Faculty & StaffStudents, and CATS and provide quick access to those stories. Each story provided in the newsletter will be separated into its corresponding category.
Webisodes: Take a look at our new Webisodes. These webisodes will include interviews on campus asking questions as they relate to multimedia and technology issues.
Archives: It will be easier than ever to access the archives of past newsletters. The Archives section on the sidebar is broken down by the month, for quick and easy access.
Subscribe: Would you like to be informed whenever a new issues or story is released? Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates directly to your inbox!
Print Option: At the end of each story, you will see a Print/PDF option. This feature allows you to print, create a PDF, or email an individual story. If you would like to print a full PDF version of the newsletter, visit the CATS website.

Each newsletter features a story from John Henderson, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs for Technology. This story provides an overview of the semester and newsletter. If you are looking for the the "From the Desk of John Henderson" story, you can find that on the sidebar or click the "From the Desk" image to the right.

Take a look around and if you would like to provide us feedback, send an email to, fill out the feedback form here, or visit the Center for Academic Technology Support, 1336 McAfee Gym.


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